For sell: Black/Death metal LP/CD/TAPES


Demonized is the feelings
Dec 6, 2001
For Sell:

LP (Bids, if not anything else is written)

Silencer - Death-Pierce Me LP (Prophecy productions ltd 200ex, 151/200, Good condition)
Beatrìk - Requiem of December (Gatefold LP, ltd 500ex, new/unplayed) 9EUR
Elite - Bifrost LP (Ltd 500ex, new/unplayed) 12EUR
Forgotten Woods - As the wolves gather LP (Andra press, new/unplayed)
In Aeternum - Beast of the pentagram 10” (ltd 333ex, 248/333, New/unplayed
LIK - Besvärtade strofer LP (includes a poster, new/unplayed)
Mayhem - Deathcrush Picture disc (Vinyl Maniac Records: 2003 [PictureLP 1000 copies], new/unplayed) 10EUR
NIDHUGG - Skibet fra nord Pic-10” (Picture 10” ltd 696ex, 635/696, new/unplayed) 8EUR
Pest - Desecration LP (new/unplayed )
Pest - In total contempt LP (new/unplayed)
Pest - Daudafaerd LP (No colour records 2004, Good condition)
Sagittarius (Ger) - Die grosse Marina (Limited to 300 copies on white vinyl (220g), Good condition)
Svartsyn - Destruction of man LP (new/unplayed)
Tsjuder - Demonic Possesion Picture disc (Zerstörungs Produktionen (2005), ltd 666ex, 417/666, new/unplayed) 12EUR
Tsjuder - Demonic Possesion LP (Zerstörungs Produktionen (2005), ltd 999ex, 794/999, new/unplayed) 12EUR
Tsjuder - Kill For Satan Picture disc ( Zerstörungs Produktionen (2006), ltd 666ex, 131/666l, new/unplayed) 12EUR
Tsjuder - Kill For Satan LP (Zerstörungs Produktionen (2006), 321, ltd 999ex, 321/999, new/unplayed) 12EUR
VERIVALA - Voittomme LP (Gatefold LP, new/unplayed) 9EUR
Weltbrand / Suicide Solution (7” EP in Gatefold Cover, new/unplayed) 5EUR
Wolfsschrei - Feasting my hatred LP (ltd 328, 309/328, new/unplayed)

CD, New/Unplayed (4EUR/each, 2EUR/each for demo CDr/Pro CDr, if not anything else is written)

Ad Noctem Funeriis - Apocalyptic Vision of Death Demo Cdr
Agmen - Eternal
Al-Namrood - Atba'a Al-Namrood
Ambience - As Dez Esperas Demo Cdr
Apostasy - Reculse From The Northern Hill Pro CDr 18/66
Argenraza - Argenraza/Grafvolluth/Stormlust Split CD
Art of Massacre - Massacre of Art Pro Cdr
Aryadeva - Kshatra
Astaroth (Kor) - Astaroth / Svedhous Demo CDr
Auriga (Ger) - Chains Of Despair
Basilisk (UK) - A Joyless March Through the Cold-Lands
Black Hordes Of Darkness Volume1 - V/A Pro CDr
Bohemia-Morvia-Northemia - V nesvate anti-humani zaprisahlosti
Borgne - II
Burner - One for the road 1.5EUR
Burzum - Aske 50kr
Coalicon Chackal - Chilean Under Metal Compilation Cdr
Code black - Penetration 10kr
CLoser than kin - the machineries of breath 2EUR
Colour trip - Kill My Super Ego 0.5EUR
Dark Fury - Fortress of Eagles
Denata - Art of the insane 2EUR
Denata - Deathtrain 1.5EUR
Detrimentum (UK) - Embracing This Deformity
Descerebration - The Crusaders 666 X
Dhul-Qarnayn - Jilwah
Enoid - Livssyklus
Enoid - Dodssyklus
Fearlight - Íàø Çàâåò / Our Legacy
Fecifectum - A Doutrina do Terror
Fecifectum - Reaping the Hope of Dirty Humanity Split Cd
Goatfire - Sacrophobic Initiation 6EUR
Have A Brutal Day - World Wide Compilation Pro CDr
Hell-Born - Legacy of The Nephilim
Homo Iratus - Human Consumes Humans 1.5EUR
Homo Iratus - Knowledge... Their Enemy 1EUR
Infinity - The birth of death 60kr
Infinity - Enter thy labyrinth of hell 6EUR
Ismark / Mind Propaganda - Naturgewalten Cdr
Jeff- The Grey Flower Demo Cdr
Kamaedzita - ???
Kenji Siratori - Crypt Mind
Krigar - Krigar
Kuturlat - NecroRitual
Kult ov Azazel - Oculus Infernum 2.5EUR
Mighty Goat Obscenity - Dogma Satani
Malevolent Creation - Enwenomed II
Malevolent Creation - The Will To Kill
Morbid Yell - Körgull The Exterminator / Morbid Yell split CD
Mortifilia - Redemption
Native in Black - At the gates of Eternal Winter
Noctiferia - Per Aspera 2.5EUR
Njiqahdda - Nji. Njiijn. Njiiijn Digipack
Obscure Mind / Graveyard - Split CD
objekt 4 - Mindscars
objekt 4 - Extermination processing tower
objekt 4 - Her Face Among The Shadows
Oprich - Z Moroku... & Ognecvet Split CD
Regnum Umbra Ignis - Raw & Profane 1999-2001
Regnum Umbra Ignis - Unforetelling Philosophism
Remmirath - Polis Rouge
Reverie - Isolation
Schmerz - Chronika
Suicidal Vortex - Nozghot & Suicidal Vortex Split CD
Svedhous - Despair Poetry Demo CDr
ThanatoSchizo - Schizo Level Digipack
Funeral Forest - The Anti Trendies Black Metal Bands Propaganda
The Golden Tribute To Masters Hammer VA
The Meads of Asphodel - The Mill Hill Sessions
The Thorn - Hermitage of non-divine
Triumph - The Beginning of Chaos
Waffenträger Luzifers / Redreom / Prosatanos - Pure Black Metal Holocaust Split Cd
Wolfsgard - Mastery Of The Plains Demo CDr
Wolfsrune - Screams of the Forgotten
Wolok - Universal Void

CD used

Arckanum - Kostogher (Necropolis Records, 1997, ltd 3 000ex) Bids

Tapes, New/unplayed

Cannibal Corpse - Live Cannibalism (Metalblade Records, Inplastad) Bids
Contamino - Mother Nature Gased (Carnal recoords) 5EUR
Metal Massacre 3 V/A (inplastad) 4EUR
Metal Massacre 4 V/A (inplastad) 4EUR

DVD, New/unplayed 6EUR/each, if not anything else is written

Blood Storm - Alive in the Sirian Death Raid
May Result - Live Curse from the East
Morbosidad - Legions of the Unholy / Demonic Plague and Deadly Commands
Mütiilation - Performing live in Germendorf, Germany 7/7/01 (Pro DVDr)

Old Goat - Slaves of War (DVD + CD, Disc 1 contains the Slaves of War Full-length CD.
Disc 2 contains a DVD with live performances at VFW Hall and a music video.)

Roadrunner Roadrage 2006 2EUR
Sear Bliss - Official Live Bootleg
Sear Bliss - Decade Of Perdition
Throcult - Live Conjuration
V/A - Death to mental slaves (DVD + CD)
V/A - Gathering of shadows (DVD + CD)

CD in DVD cases, New/Unplayed 5EUR/each, if not anything else is written

Antiquus Scriptum - Abi In Malam Pestem (Demo CDr) 3EUR
Borgne - I (Re release 8/50,black Pro CD-r) 3EUR
Infernal Hate (Mex) - Upset (Limited to 1000 copies, A5 digipack format)
PanzerFrost (Prt) - AK-47 Supreme Terrorism Bloodstorm
Sagoth - Gloria Satanas (Demo CDr, 132/166), 3EUR
The Eternal Pain - Ahnenkult (Includes an A3 poster + sticker,130/150, Demo Cdr) 3EUR


Askuror - Erzfeind (Large, new/unworn) 8EUR

The items are located in Sweden but can be shipped worldwide.
Can be contacted trough either e-mail or myspace