For some reason, the old posts are up the wazoo


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
Might as well use this thread for your posts and rants, since all the other threads have lost their posts.

Don't know if it's permanent, but right now the only thing we can see is NEW posts.

So we've noticed.

I've heard tale it's trouble with the database(?)

I don't know how reliable that information is... but man, I've been dying with out any one posting.
Weird because over the last 10 minutes the forums are acting like they used to, you know NORMAL.

I hate to bitch because after all it is a free service that Mark offers thousands of us (users anyhow), but it's still so damn annoying!

Actually, since I only find the time to login once every few days, I've been lucky and had no troubles the times I try. Though with all of JayKeeley's bitching, I feel like I'm right here with you guys... ;)