for the Netflix hounds ....

Yeah, I read about this and sorta noticed they operate based on yer renting habits. But I very rarely watch new movies so it doesn't effect me much.
old news, that keeps popping up as a news article every month or so. I always watch and return the movies the day or the day after I get them, and after they receive them, they ship again that day, and I receive again the next day... but I do split the service with my sister and she keeps a movie for a week or more sometimes. I guess it evens out at that alleged "minimum $2 / movie rental" fee so I haven't been penalized because of my habits.
yeah, these rental places are bullshit. i figured that out awhile ago. netflix kept getting slower and slower until i fucking cancelled them. now im with gameznflix and ITS WORSE.
do NOT buy into one of these shitz - unless youre prepared to spend $2-4 on each rental, which is what youd pay if you went to the damn store. just be warned, you aint gonna get $.25 movies.
Even though Netflix sometimes gets slow on me, and some new releases are listed as "very long wait" or "long wait," I still have been averaging 8-10 DVDs rented/watched/returned per 30 days, which amounts to ballpark $2 per rental.

Can't beat that.
i really have no problems with it ... pushing new releases towards the back of the qoureeseee seems to work ... but really there is not much delay on my end ... the distribution center is literally a 15 minute drive from me.

Rentals from video stores here are close to $5 a pop ... so Netflix still rules in that respect.
Yeah I'm still pretty much in love with Netshitz still, been with them for about 6 months now. Generally speaking when I return a movie, they get it the next day, and I have my next movie the day (sometimes two) after that. But like I said, I don't get new releases hardly at all.
wow. you guys must live right next to the dist. centers or something. cool, glad its working out for y'all
Right, it never ever takes more than 2 days coming to & fro to get/return a movie. The distro center for me is in New Brunswick, NJ, about 45-50 miles south of me.

But even still, I mean, it's mail within the U.S. It's not like it should take more than 1-2 days anywhere.
come to think of it this is a real dick practice ...
I mean, as an early adopter to Netflix, I recommended them to so many people over the years that ended up signing up ... and I get dicked as thanks.

dammit ... 20 movies a month is just not enough for $18 :loco:
i was getting nowhere near that with netflix. they would send me movies out of sequence (would you like to watch discs 3 and 4 of deadwood BEFORE discs 1 and 2? me either), wrong movies, and theyd take long as hell to get to and fro the center, which i thought was in chattanooga, a 2 hour drive from here. ahh, whatever. like i said, glad you guys are having success. overall though, my experience with these services is that i ended up watching a bunch of movies i wouldnt have otherwise watched just so i could get my moneys worth. i mean how many times do i need to watch phantasm 1,2,3 and 4?