For you people who have just recently discovered Opeth in the past weeks or months, I'm just curious as to where or how you first heard them, if you don't mind my asking. Thanks.
Well I am not new to Opeth, but I first was exposed to them through a friend. He picked up one of the older albums from an import record store because of the recommendation from the store clerk. We listened to it, and he did not like it so he gave me the cd. I loved the thing, and over time, he wanted it back.
When I first startedl;istening 2 metal a few years ago I went thru a phase of downloading songs by bands I'd never heard of. I was searching 4 ethereal at the time, and the rest, as they say, is history
Well, I'm not really new to Opeth but I'm new to the boards anyways.
About a year ago I had alot of free time, napster was big and I was exploring lots of different interesting bands that I would have never been able to get into other wise. I was on a BB and there was a poll of what band has the coolest logo. So I was reading it and I saw someone mention Opeth. I had never heard of them but I liked the sound of the name so I decided to look into them. I asked my friend who has something like 10,000 cds about them and he said something like 'Ohh, Opeth, I like them alot'. He encoded two songs for me and sent them over ICQ (Advent & The Night And The Silent Water).
Well, I liked them but I wasn't suddenly a huge Opeth fan. But then a few months later I was on holiday visiting where I live now and I was buying a bunch of cds (cause you couldn't buy metal cds at all where I lived before) and I saw Morningrise. I don't know why I decided to buy it. At that time there were plenty of other cds which I would have rather had but something drew me too it. When I listened to it... it seemed strange. I liked it, but not as much as some of the other cds I had bought and whatever... there was something I felt like I was missing. Something deeper that I had only scratched the serface of. I kept listening to it hoping that I would 'get it'.
Finally, one day when I hadn't even listened to it for a while I was just sitting around and it hit me. I still don't know what it was that 'hit me' but after that it became all I listened too. After that I found MAYH and Blackwater Park while on holiday in Barcelona and ordered Orchid and Still Life. And then they are were favorite band. Yay.