For those going to the DT show in Atlanta:


The Promoter
Sep 16, 2001
If you distribute flyers, I'll gladly reimburse you for your printing costs. I really appreciate it.

See Magius's Street Team Flyer sticky thread for the download.
I distributed like 200 outside the venue on their show in Orlando,Fl , many people were surprised and didn't knew about the Fest. Hopefully it will help and some of them will buy ticktes and go and by the way Glenn no reimbursement necesary Prog Power is woth that and more.
I distributed like 200 outside the venue on their show in Orlando,Fl , many people were surprised and didn't knew about the Fest. Hopefully it will help and some of them will buy ticktes and go and by the way Glenn no reimbursement necesary Prog Power is woth that and more.

That's awesome. Thanks!