For those of you feeling masochistic: New, Mega-Rough, Short DOOOOOM clip!


New Metal Member
Jul 5, 2008
Superior 2.0, Acoustic Guitar miced with AKG Perception 200 into 7170

Basically un-mixed
No clipping on drums in the mix so it's clipping like fuck in the quick mastering chain, sounds nasty, deal with it kiddies
i couldnt be bothered with futzing around with compression or anything, and theres like fucking OBSCENE transients on all the drums, like gearslutz would be creaming themselves over all the fucking punch

This is a section from an upcoming avant-garde epic I am writing, that guitar progression may or may not get used in the final thing but its highly unlikely they are gonna be during that specific section. I want violins and clean guitars over these drums

but hey, i figure this forum could always use a bit more doom so here it is doom clip.mp3

also, its really motherfucking quiet, so turn it up really loud and it should sound tits
i use a really fucking stupid tuning

i dont even know what any of the notes are, its all just tuned relative, so its in tune with itself at least haha, but yeah

lets just say the bottom string is uh... A?

D (same note as the string below)
D (tuned to 5th fret of the string below)
A (an octave higher as the note below)
A (same note as below)
A (an octave higher than the A below)

really fucking stupid tuning
just mash power chords on the bottom strings and do weird shit with the top 3 strings and you have insta fucking doom
i feel sorry for my mum
has to put up with fucking doom shit all day