For those of you with taste and more than half a brain

Mark said:

Go look at photos my wife (aka DREAMWATCH, biatch!) took of Ephel Duath on Tuesday night.

She's fuckin brilliant she is.

You, Mr Bridgeman, are silly. :Smug:

Sydo - Ephel Duath are a, um... they're... well they're sort of... no that's not right either... erm... I suppose jazz prog metal might be the closest description. :) Very cool band, you can watch their latest video on the main forum page. :)
Italian jazzcore (think Emperor crossed with erm... someone jazzy, with a full-on jazz drummer on drums (natch:)) signed to Elitist/Earache. VERY cool band :headbang:
Ihsan from Emperor listens to jazz, so it might well be him in disguise! Or perhaps not.

Nice photos, indeed! I'm not surprised though, going on her past work. :)
Are you working on a "signature" look Dreamy? Because it looks to me (from the limit samples I've seen, mind you) that you've got a fairly distinctive style. With the sharp focus on the people and details, and not worrying about the "big picture" (heh) so much. Much coolness involved.

And thanks for intoducing my to Ephel Duath. They're a bunch of cool hep cat daddy-o ROCKIN' MUTHAFUCKAS! Gonna have to track down an album now.
Hiya Phloggy. :) Well, to be honest when I'm taking photos I'm more concerned with getting the exposures right, keeping out of peoples way, and avoiding 'professional' photographers, :lol: so I can't say as I've purposefully been developing my own style. Having said that, once Mark put all the pics up on my site, I could realy see something developing. I've still got loads to learn, but after the last gig I really feel less confused (for want of a better word). I sort of know where I need to improve (exposures and sharpness still need to be more consistant), but otherwise I feel like I've made some improvement with this shoot. And considering I only shot 3 rolls of film I think I got a fair amount of usable pics from them. :)
whoa, they're fucking cool....

like promo photos for the band or something!

The one of the vocalist screaming into the mike is my favourite :D