for those who smell weed drifting in through their open windown through th


Sep 12, 2002
ironically, now is when i decide that i'm not going to regret or correct any fuck ups this stupid laptboardop key makes. i don't understand why it randomly makes my keystrokes skip around except for that maybe my hand brushes the touchpad? really fucking annoying!

anyhow, the weed smell might actually be coming from my shirt, but i don't see how this would be scientifically possible? it smells good, though
j/k but seriously, i can't fucking work with this thing. i don't understand how this has evolved over the span of 15+ years. it is so unintuitive and buggy and dyfunctional and i'm seeing this after a WEEK of working on a simple project??????
oh. in any case, thanks

have to convert a PDF to EPS to WMF to word and i can't tell anyone how incredibly fucked up and wrong and UNEVEN the process is. i still can't get it right, and i have exhausted all possibilities to make it right.

furthermore, i can't get an iota of a clue as to how to select all of a series of 30 individual unlinked text boxes without manually clicking on each one. why the fuck am i even contemplating this?