forced entry

I thought this thread was going to be about rape. :Smug:

That sucks man, it's such a horrible and creepy feeling knowing that someone was in your house. That and they were stealing your shit. I hope they catch the bastard!
Haha, well I feel kinda raped here, so...

No, they didn't take anything else, luckilly. And it's only a teevee (an expensive one...but), no-one was hurt and my house wasn't a mess. I wasn't even at home when it happened, I was staying at a friend's house in Zeist (Holland).

It just sucks that someone just gets in your house; after all it's the place where one is supposed to feel safe. I'm just glad I wasn't at home at the time, because my neigbours were, even with little kids. That's scary. They didn't go upstairs and left stuff alone like my guitar, an envelope with some money etc...

So. I'm oké, and I'm insured, but it still sucks.
Sorry to hear all that Marc,I live alone and hearing things like this doesn't really cheer me up,atleast I'm happy to hear you and yours are ok!
on a side note: Are you going to any concert of ND?