Forces @ Work - Forcilised

dill_the_devil Music Editor
Forces @ Work - Forcilised
2004 - N.O. Commercial Records
By Philip Whitehouse


Imagine a mix between the technical virtuosity and gleefully chaotic song structures found in Sikth records and the straightforward balls-out thrash aggression and melodicism of prime Megadeth or Annihilator. Add the epic dynamism and dramatic vocal delivery of the premier league prog-metal acts, and you've got a good idea where German quintet Forces @ Work are coming from on their latest EP.

Adrian Weiss and Mischa Blum conjure up spiralling, dizzying guitar work, laid over Sabir Salkic's impressively fluid and tight drumming, while Armin Allic's bass work alternates from funky grooviness to full on chunky percussive gnarliness. The one vaguely weak link in the group is vocalisy Andreas Lohse, who occasionally seems to be reaching too far for the higher notes, and the somewhat over-dramatic delivery of some of the lyrics gives rise to the odd cringe... However, one can't argue with his guttural roars during the heavier passages. And trust me, these guys go for the crunch on more than one occasion. Final track 'Husk Of The Withered Moth' is a stunningly punishing technical thrash number, featuring riffage as catchy as it is savage, bludgeoning rhythms, brief but effective blastbeats and some frightening bellows from Andreas.

Some mention must go to the flawless production too - the drums in particular sound fantastic, especially the kicks, while the guitar tone is both shredding and melodic enough to deliver both the metal riffery and the amazing lead work.

Recommended if you like Sikth's blend of technicality and hook-laden songwriting, but can't stand the schizophrenic vocals, or if you're a prog-metal fan who's looking for more aggresion in their metal.


Forces @ Work Official Website (German)