
don't bother with weatherforecasting for the netherlands. The times they've said it would be 25 degrees and sunny, when it turned out to be 10 degrees with shitloads of rain are too many to remember. :)
It's been ~29C here for weeks and might drop to as low as 24C the day I leave. It's strange to pack warmer clothes than shorts and tank tops...
Security Guard: Hang On, What's that?
Vyvyan: It's my mascot.
Security Guard: A pig?
Vyvyan: No!
Security Guard: It is.
Vyvyan: It's not, it's a ferret. A severely deformed ferret, I'll grant you that. So severely deformed in fact that it looks a little bit like a pig.
Security Guard: Looks exactly like a pig.
Vyvyan: Yes, well, it certainly has been remarked upon. In fact, just as John Hurt is known as the Elephant Man, Bacon Sandwich here is known as the Pig Ferret.
Security Guard: Bacon Sandwich? Funny name for a ferret, isn't it?
Vyvyan: Ha ha! And that's where I had you fooled. Because it's not a ferret, it's a pig.