Forefather - Last of the Line

Fire breath

Feb 20, 2002
This album is truly glorious. The English brothers have outdone themselves and I thought their last albums were good such as Steadfast, Ours is the Kingdom and my particular face Engla Tocyme but they are all surpassed now by the new album. This is a magnificent album of mighty and ancient English epic metal. The roots of the band are in Burzumic melodic black metal but they've gone along way since those days. They've slowly become more melodic taking influences from classic melodic power metal mixed with a black metal blast here and there. In fact the funny thing is the guitar sound reminds me of Running Wild of all bands! The riffing is also very fast and Rock n Rolfish. The vocals are mixed between a quiet hissing growl and majestic cleans which are actually wonderfully catchy and wind in your hair type vocals. They also use keys to create beautiful atmospheres in the background.

I suspect the band still uses a drum machine to keep expense down but on this album it is by far the best the drums have ever sounded. There is not a duff track to be found anywhere in sight. If you know and like Forefather then you're sure to love this album cause it's their most refined yet. If you don't then press play and wallow in the moody and glorious journeys of times past that Forefather will take you on. I think power metal fans can enjoy this band a lot even if you are not a fan of dark music or growling vocals. These are my three fave songs on the album with Wolves of Prayer being my complete fave with it's amazing melodic speed and chorus. Can't stop playing the album so thought I'd tell a few people about it and you are those lucky people!

This one has strong Running Wild influence:

More RW at the start but also a black metal attack which reveals a glorious clean chorus that I can't get out of my head:

Finally Wolves of Prayer. A truly amazing pretty much straight power metal tune with riffs from heaven and a clean sung chorus from the heathen Gods!
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I bought the disc from their website and received it in 3 days from England. Awesome, awesome CD! I sure hope they do some live shows someday. I'm not gonna hold my breath though. :p