Foreign Policy

dorian gray

Returning videotapes
Apr 8, 2004
I'v been reading this mag for about a year now and was wondering if any of you nerds read it.
Last edition had the globalization index and the US placed 4th. yee-haw!
if a well-rounded discussion on shit like Iran's nuclear inclinations gets you excited, you should check out FP.

end of thread.
Throw the Jew down the well! So my country can be freee!! You must grab him by the horns! Then we have big party! YEEEHAWWWW
The internet is vastly superior as a source of news and information than any poxy magazine! Long live the internet!
Top Ten George W. Bush Observations About Europe:

10. Europeans speak worse English than I do

9. That Eiffel Tower would make one mother of an oil well

8. Austria looks nothing like it looked on "Survivor"

7. The time difference screws up your nap schedule

6. British beef not only tasty, it gave me a buzz I haven't felt since college

5. The Polish people tell some great "Bush is dumb" jokes

4. In France, you don't have to say, "French fries," you can just say "fries"

3. Due to the metric system, my ten-gallon hat is a whopping 37.84 liters

2. The Irish drive on the left side of the road, like I used to

1. One of these countries is where my dad urped on the king
Ifurin said:
The internet is vastly superior as a source of news and information than any poxy magazine! Long live the internet!
haha! ehhhh.....i guess that's a decent point. however, i still like getting a new journal in the mail and reading it over the next month. i'd rather do that than stare at this computer - it hurts.