FORESKIN - Pakistani Metalpunk


New Metal Member
Dec 9, 2008
Check us out.

Formed in late 2009 with the aim of bringing everything that was missing in the Pakistani metal scene, 80s metal anthems, DIY punk/hardcore overtones, fast insane thrash riffs and the brutality that is metal as a subculture.


If you want the 3 songs we've uploaded on your facebook along with a shitty short film me and amar made and random pics of us messing up stuff around town, here's a download link.
^ Also available in CD for people living in Pakiland.

Second official demo - Bombs Away! 3 songs, featuring more deathmetal and grind influence. First is straight up deathgrind, second is kinda SFUish and 3rd is Blasphemy worship.
^ ONLINE ONLY demo. it's barely official, more like a side thing by me, the vocalist.

Currently recording our EP - ATTACK OF THE RADIOACTIVE POSERS. Gonna have a bit of everything - from oldskool hardcore punk to good ol' fashioned rock and roll - all played with speed metal fervour.

Check us out.
Foreskin hit the 'studio' (read: room) to record our first EP 'Attack of the Radioactive Posers.' Will feature a Black Sabbath cover, 4 original songs with influences ranging from 70s rock to NYHC and everything in between. Guest musicians abound. Main recording line up is as follows:

Hassan Umer - Vocals and Lyrical Content
Amar Ali - Backing Vocals, Rhythm Guitar, Bass, Drums
Omair N. Soomro - Bass, Drums

Because of the flexibility of our line up, the 3 core members will take up different instruments in every song, with a number of guest musicians on board mainly for lead guitar and guest vocal performances.

1. Drink to the Metal
2. Attack of the Radioactive Posers
3. Raid the Stage
4. Kill the Principal
5. Symptom of the Universe (Black Sabbath cover)

Cover art to be revealed soon. Expect us to drop a nuclear bomb by July.

Gonna have our cover of Symptom up in a week or so, as a preview of the EP. w0o0o0ot.

PS: some feedback on the shitty shit we have on our myspace rite now would be really appreciated =p