Forlorn Path needs *your* help finishing our next album!


New Metal Member
Jul 2, 2010
Fellow fans of death/black/doom metal:

My band has finished recording our first full-length album, and we're looking to raise the funds needed for a professional mixing & mastering job. We spent hundreds of hours recording everything just right, and already spent a good deal of money to create a good sound at home. However, mixing at home by ourselves just wouldn't do this any justice - it can sound much better with a professional job. Unfortunately, we're in college/grad school, and don't really have a source of income. However, we REALLY want to give you something that will sound solid and professional!

This is our first full-length album, with over an hour of music, and it will be released for free.

Here's a glimpse of how it sounds now:

If you like it, this is our Kickstarter project. If we can raise $3000, we'll be able to take it to a studio and do a proper mixing job :)

Thanks for reading. Stay metal :kickass: