Formation of Damnation...sounds silly.


Born To Break Wind
Feb 4, 2002
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The Farter thinks Formation of Damnation sounds silly. What does it even mean?

The Farter thinks they should name the new album, THE AFTERLIFE.

Think about it:
The Legacy
The Ritual
The Gathering
The Afterlife

Considering that Chuck almost died of cancer, Skolnick and Christian are back, The Afterlife is a fitting title and very METAL!
Formation of Damnation a great album title!
The Afterlife would be good to, but I prefer FOD instead (I don't believe in a life after death hehe)
I agree it doesn't sound very good (I also think it would fit in DM more), but I don't care how the title sounds as long as the music sounds great. I'm sure we'll get used to it. If anyone asked me, I'd go with The Afterlife, though.
Same here. I really like the new title. I was worried that they would have called it 'The Evil has Landed'. Now that would have sounded silly but The Formation of Damnation is totally badass!
Yeah, "Evil has Landed" would sound funny for a band that's been in the business for more than twenty years :) I already got used to FoD, although I'd prefer "More Than Meets the Eye", "The Afterlife" or "Dangers of the Faithless" as the title. However, even if it were called "F.E.A.R." or "Killing Season" it would kick as much ass as it will (does) under the current name
I will look very geek, but since the artwork of the album is a mix of image by Gustave Doré, the guy who illustrated Paradise Lost (the Book, not the band or Symphony X's new album) from where the images are originaly from (which are btw pretty bad ass), I find that the name Formation Of Damnation fits well, since in Paradise Lost, the story is basically about the rebellion of the fallen angels led by Satan, you could call this moment the beginning of the evil on earth (heaven) or the Formation Of Damnation. It might not be because of that, but looking at the artwork with the angels, I always think about Paradise Lost and find that the title fits well.

They used that artwork for a T-Shirt on the last tour, it was pretty bad ass.