Former CELLADOR guitarist to join EPICUREAN for "Fresh Meat Tour".


PQ member
Jan 8, 2002
Southampton, UK
Former CELLADOR guitarist to join EPICUREAN for "Fresh Meat Tour".

Minneapolis, Minnesota's EPICUREAN has recruited former CELLADOR guitarist Bill Hudson to join them on the road for the upcoming Metal Blade Records Fresh Meat Tour. EPICUREAN will be hitting the road in support of their Metal Blade Records debut "A Consequence of Design", which was released on March 4, 2008. The Fresh Meat Tour, featuring THE ABSENCE, THE DESTRO, EPICUREAN, and ROSE FUNERAL, will kick off on June 19 in Richland, New Jersey.

"We're really excited to have Bill out with us on the Metal Blade Fresh Meat Tour," stated EPICUREAN. "We think Bill's a great fit and we're really excited to hit the road and play some shows with him!"

"It will be a pleasure to share the stage (and the bus) with EPICUREAN during the Fresh Meat Tour in June/July," added Hudson. "They are my favorite band to come out through Metal Blade in a while, and I'm excited to see how this will work out. I'm sure this will be really fun, plus it's great to be back in the Metal Blade family!"

EPICUREAN utilizes a feverish twin guitar attack, viciously heavy vocals mixed with clean melodic vocals, a brutal rhythm section, and keyboards to create their brand of unique symphonic, yet aggressive music.