Former Twisted Tower Dire singer passes

how do you know this is the same tony taylor of twisted tower dire? pretty sure there's a few of em in florida..
this blows. Tony was an amazing vocalist. From TTD to Isen Torr. Even his brief run with October 31. He will be missed.

He was a strange guy though. At the first Alehorn I watched him hit on this punk girl working the bar / front door area. He was trying to impress her with the ole line...."I am the singer for TTD". It was one of those uncomfortable moments that you have to just watch. She could care less. That same night he kept pissing the sound guy off with putting this Winterhawk shirt over the PA and the sound guy kept having to walk over and move it. It happened like 6 or 7 times in a 30 minute set.

This really stinks...I was hoping to hear him getting something going again.
man this sucks! :( Crest of the Martyrs is one of my fav albums ever. I'll play it tomorrow in his honor. RIP Tony

"Crest" is one the best best power metal albums out there. The best German metal album by a non-German band. Though that album did not represent the band at it's best. Still if it had come out on a bigger label things with that band would have went differently I believe.
I know this sounds selfish, but I regret not being able to see him perform with TTD live. I like Johnny, but Tony's vocals are much better IMO. RIP Tony.
Well Jonny certainly has come into his own. A better vocalist than Tony was, well he is different. But the band is a different beast now to some exint. Really it is nothing to compare.
It took me a while to be able to tell Tony apart from every other power metal singer out there with a high squeal. Though I always thought he was really good.
Geez man, you say how great he is, that you're sorry he passed, yet you still insist upon adding some unnecessary dirt about him. What, we're supposed to be impressed with your TTD story? Hope you're not working at some newspaper (but then, you write the same type thing those jerks write).

this blows. Tony was an amazing vocalist. From TTD to Isen Torr. Even his brief run with October 31. He will be missed.

He was a strange guy though. At the first Alehorn I watched him hit on this punk girl working the bar / front door area. He was trying to impress her with the ole line...."I am the singer for TTD". It was one of those uncomfortable moments that you have to just watch. She could care less. That same night he kept pissing the sound guy off with putting this Winterhawk shirt over the PA and the sound guy kept having to walk over and move it. It happened like 6 or 7 times in a 30 minute set.

This really stinks...I was hoping to hear him getting something going again.
Geez man, you say how great he is, that you're sorry he passed, yet you still insist upon adding some unnecessary dirt about him. What, we're supposed to be impressed with your TTD story? Hope you're not working at some newspaper (but then, you write the same type thing those jerks write).

Ease up there mate... The man is telling a true story he experienced. What the hell is wrong with that???
So sensitive.....
Damn, this is horrible news. Haven't really followed Tony much through his other work, but I too think Crest of the Martyrs is a god damn killer record that never gets its due.
What's wrong with it? So I'm guessing you'd like your family to see a crappy schpeel like that recalled about you after you pass? If so, you have no more class than Diabolik. Time and a place for everything.

Ease up there mate... The man is telling a true story he experienced. What the hell is wrong with that???
So sensitive.....
I just heard about this tonight. What a shame. Tony was a damn good singer and a nice guy to boot. He was a great part of the scene that put Jaxx on the map. He will certainly be missed.

Stay metal. Never rust.