Former W.A.S.P. Guitarist CHRIS HOLMES Interviewed On 'Totally Driven Radio' (Audio)


Purveyor of the Unique & Distinct
Staff member
Sep 30, 2001
Virginia, USA
"Totally Driven Radio", the weekly radio podcast heard live every Thursday night from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. EST time on the Totally Driven Entertainment Radio Network, recently conducted an interview with former W.A.S.P. guitarist Chris Holmes. You can now listen to the chat below. (Note: Chris calls in at the 122-minute mark and hangs out for almost 40 minutes.)Holmes' new solo album, "Nothing To Lose", was released independently at the end of last year. The CD is now available through Artisthead Music. Holmes composed, performed, and produced the music and vocals, and teamed up with former MOTÖRHEAD drummer Phil "Philthy Animal" Taylor to perform on and engineer the effort.Asked how the new CD came about, Holmes told Über Röck: "Well, you ever hear of [former MOTÖRHEAD drummer] Philthy Animal Taylor? Well, him and I we started doing a project together about three years ago. It was just learning the computer, more or less. You know, the ins and outs of recording with one. Anyway, one thing led to another and we had about twenty songs. When it started off, it was gonna be an instrumental album, I mean, I'm not Joe Satriani or people like that, but I can write a few melodies or whatever. Then I sang on a song. I never planned on singing. You know when you hear your voice on the answer machine? Do you like your voice? I can't stand mine! I didn't mean to, but I sang on it. It was kind of a joke, but it sounded OK, so I sang on another one then started singing on all of them, and it changed into what is now 'Nothing To Lose'. I was gonna sing on the whole thing, but then I decided to put a few instrumentals on it. Then in the midst of mixing the thing, Phil had a brain aneurysm. He got sick and popped a blood vessel in his head, kinda messed him up a little bit right in the middle of when we were working on it and he had to go back to England. He's OK now though; he's recovering, but lucky to be alive. Anyway, I was left to pick up all the pieces and get it together to get it out. But three years ago, if you'd asked me if I'd be doing this, I'd have said no way, but it's just what happened. Everything just fell into place."
