formula for metal shirt coolness factor


New Metal Member
Oct 10, 2001
southernmost voyage
(rarity factor 1-3) * (age of shirt in years) * (coolness of band 0-5) * (fading factor 1-5) + (number of holes * 10) + (number of stains that won't wash out * 10)


new dimmu borgir shirt from 2006
1 * 0 * 1 * 1 + 0 + 0 = COOLNESS FACTOR 0

somewhat faded stormblåst-era dimmu borgir shirt
2 * 10 * 1 * 3 + 0 + 0 = COOLNESS FACTOR 60

at the gates shirt from 1994 w/2 holes
2 * 12 * 4 * 3 + 20 + 0 = COOLNESS FACTOR 308

my sister's original iron maiden killers tour shirt 1981 with grease stains that barely even fucking holds together
3 * 25 * 5 * 5 + 100 + 20 = COOLNESS FACTOR 1995

that was fun
i love dumb threads

well enough of this back to sorting laundry into my wardrobe i guess :wave:
oh christ youve just reminded me
I was in the shopping center up the road earlier and in the window of one of those trendy clothers shops (streetlife i think) the chick dummy was wearing an iron maiden shirt, I nearly puked, it was like a normal shirt (girl size) with eddie and everything but it had gold glittery outlines

holy shit it was repulsive


even worse han the top shop motorhead shirt trend from a couple of years back

this retro fake aged rock shirt fad is making my blood boil
the only people who wear these things are worse than the worst posers
with thier ironic stolen icons of bands that they would ridicule you for listening to at the time
Someone recognized my Hvis Lyset Tar Oss shirt today. I wear a metal shirt maybe once a week, but I suddenly wore Burzum and a dude in my class was like "Dude! Varg rules!"
right this instant:

*waiting for erik's addition of a "G"*
Dick Sirloin said:
Someone recognized my Hvis Lyset Tar Oss shirt today. I wear a metal shirt maybe once a week, but I suddenly wore Burzum and a dude in my class was like "Dude! Varg rules!"
one of my friends has a Burzum shirt, and me and h er were walking around and we ended up seeing this bald like 30 year old guy buying groceries with a Burzum shirt, and he upped the horns:lol:
hahah funny thread.... you silly silly Erik ;) :tickled:

lets see....

Napalm Death - Nazi Punks Fuck Off long sleeve from 1993
2 * 13 * 4 * 3 * 20 * 10 = 62400

Ancient Rites- Ancient Hordes limited edition for band members and "family" only:

3*4*5*2*0*0= 120

conclusion = the older the shirt, the cooler it is.
Speaking of cool shirts...
Sorry to spam like this, and I'm doubly sorry that I have to sell what I'm selling, but I need some funds.

I'm getting rid of some really rare stuff including:
Agalloch - The Mantle shirt Grey XL only 12 made in this color.
Maudlin of the Well - Part the First shirt XL

later I'll be posting my
...In the Woods demo, some rare noise cassettes, and more cool shirts.
Yeah normally I hate spam and ridicule it thusly, but I'm totally going to place a bid on that maudlin shirt.
NADatar said:
Yeah normally I hate spam and ridicule it thusly, but I'm totally going to place a bid on that maudlin shirt.
I shall miss it. Good thing I'll still have 3 Kayo Dot shirts.