Four Horsemen or Mechanix


May 18, 2009
Whats better, Metallica's Four Horsemen or Megadeth's Mechanix. same beat, same guitar, different lyrics.

I would say Mechanix cause it's faster and Dave Mustain is sick
I'll give Megadeth the vote since it's Dave's song, but gotta admit that Metallica's lyrics are better.
Mechanix lyrics are good for a laugh, musically it is more manic than horsemen but cool. That said I probably do prefer Four Horsemen.
I like Megadeth far more than Metallica, but The Four Horsemen is just a better composition and is also has one of the very few Kirk Hammett solos that actually sounds pretty good.
Although Megadeth kicks Metallica's ass by far overall, I like Four Horsemen over Mechanix...easily. The lyrics aren't as stupid, and I really like that middle part that was added to Four Horsemen.