Four years strong..ish pop punk band I'm working on...

pretty good mix, as you said, just gotta make the vocals fit in a little better in the mix...
Yeah, the tones don't really fit the song at all.

The performance is all there. I would recommend changing the kick and snare around completely. The guitars need to be less metal. Try a marshall or matchless patch and work with the mids and get a bit more presence.

The singer doesn't SUCK at all. He can sing in key and in rhythm (or at least enough so that the editing isn't so noticable that we puke). The timbre of his voice is also appropriate for this kind of music. I will say that the vocals need to be sat better.

The arrangement is great and the overall levels in mixing, etc. are great. Just work on making this sound more pop-punk than "metal."
The singer is actually very very good. Just the mix isnt complementing his voice yet. the mix is burrying him right now when the singer should be the main focus in a song like this. I feel like a little more low end on his voice. My suggestions are make his voice pop out and soak with doubler etc especially if he doubled up. And agree with Greg guitars are dominating too much...less gain on guitars. Also I think if you got more of the distortion out of the bass and let the bass dominate the song a bit more. These are just thoughts but other than that awesome punch on the drums etc!!
Yeah, the tones don't really fit the song at all.

The performance is all there. I would recommend changing the kick and snare around completely. The guitars need to be less metal. Try a marshall or matchless patch and work with the mids and get a bit more presence.

The singer doesn't SUCK at all. He can sing in key and in rhythm (or at least enough so that the editing isn't so noticable that we puke). The timbre of his voice is also appropriate for this kind of music. I will say that the vocals need to be sat better.

The arrangement is great and the overall levels in mixing, etc. are great. Just work on making this sound more pop-punk than "metal."

greg i disagree with you 100% precent. THAT TONE IS PERFECT for type of band. you need to listen to more music. everyone wants thicker tones like this. for popcore shit. like four year strong. and fireworks etc etc.

dude this mix is fucking epic :D
I agree w/Ryan, I like the tone!

Drums maybe need to be a little dirtier and 'rock'ish. They could probably benefit from a litttttle bit of a distorted buss blended in, Idk.

Make the vocals less karaoke-ish sounding is all I would really say. The rest is down to taste =D

I mixed the first 3 songs, first and only pop-punk band I ever worked with, haha. It was fun, though!

I know I used Slate samples but this was before 1.0 was even out (beta testing) so I have nooo clue what samples I used. Kick 1A, I believe! I think it came out pretty well. No idea what the guitars were, though! Mesa, I think...
:OMG: hei man!!!that sounds amazing!!!congratulations..please can you share details about guitars sound and recording and about drum please?
Thanks Everyone....

What are some suggestions for making the vocals sit in the mix better?

I have some reverb on them now (will have to look what kind), quite a bit actually but maybe I'm using the wrong kind for this style. My weak point is mixing singing/pop vox like this and making them sound right in the mix. \

Yea the band wanted this style of guitar tone and I like it personally. :p

The snare drums i used a 80% mix of the Slate Zep snare and about a 20% blend of 11a. I thought it was working better than the 11a alone and gave it a more rock vibe. Maybe i will try a bit of par comp and some distortion to dirty up the drums as a whole.
Definitely bro, try some para comp/distortion and see if you like. Might work, might not. =D

For the vocals, try a steeper highpass (dont know what you have it set to know) and a low-pass as well.

I remember para comping/distorting the vocals as well on the pop/punk band I did. I know I used Massey's Tapehead which worked GREAT for this stuff. I used it all over the mix, actually.

The vocals just need to be thinned out a bit to get them to sit better, really. That and some slight grit will make them loud and still intelligible, but not so much that it becomes a distraction, which is kind of how they're sitting now.

Then again, don't mind me, I'm known as a guy who likes to tuck vox quite a bit compared to others who want them to just be like BAM HERE I AM.

In the end, whatever you like, go for it!
I think this whole mix sounds awesome. Everytime he said "BREATH!" in the chorus it made me wince for a second if that makes any sense lol. It be cool if just that word only was emphasized with a delay or something and automated a little lower in volume. its an inspiring mix though, very nice.
man,guitars are pod farm?which amp sim??can you tell us some details please?they sound amazing..congratulations
The production during the mosh is a little bit much for me but I really love the guitars on this! Sound so full and huge, very FYS!

Great mix man!