Fragmenta - Thrash, prog, whatever


Jul 5, 2007

We mainly play Thrash, but are starting to lean towards prog metal. Our demo is up on our MySpace, PM if you wanna get it for free. What's up at the moment is pretty much straight thrash, other than "Black Master", which is the only song in which I have a solo on the demo (the first one. The solo is good, in my opinion, but the tone is terrible). I don't know what genre that song would fit into, but it is reminiscent of Iron Maiden and other NWOBHM bands.

We have 2 other songs completed, which can be found on out MySpace, but only in the videos section. One is a "progressive instrumental", and while I agree with that classification, I believe it needs refining somewhat, which we have already started doing. The other is known as "Nilesong" by the band members and friends, because of the scales used. It's actual name is "Unhinged Inertia". I still have absolutely no idea what the name is referring to.

I hope you enjoy our music, and even if you don't, pretend to, so that we feel special.

Cheers everyone.