Frameshift -- An Absence Of Empathy


Crazy on a ship of fools
Dec 11, 2002
Just got this in yesterday, and I'm totally impressed. For those out of the loop, it's a concept album written by Henning Pauly about the many forms of violence in today's society that are so prevalent (murder, rape, torture, war, teen angst) from the points of view of the oppressors as well as the victims, and it features Sebastian Bach on vocals. Make no mistake, this is a Frameshift prog album that goes through all the typical prog motions, but, man, this album really rocks as well.

The production is crystal clear, but, in my opinion, a bit over-produced to the point of taking a bit of the edge off. When I heard Baz was involved in an album exploring violence, I was expecting the typical balls-out attitude and a musical kick-in-the-teeth (sorta like Skid Row's "Slave To The Grind"). As a matter of fact, when watching the vid clips of Henning and Baz (on the Frameshift website) as they sampled different songs whilst recording the vocals, the material was a bit more raw and heavy sounding. I will say the Henning's guitar is molten, but it's pushed back a bit in the mix so that it doesn't stand out so much. I think I would much rather be bludgeoned by some meaty riffs as long as I'm obsessing about violence.

My only other pet peeve is the occurrence of various electronic techno doo-dads (buzzes, clicks, whirrs, etc.) that punctuate the songs (this is a metal album, not Nine Inch Nails). This album's release was pushed back 6 weeks so Henning could remix (he wasn't happy with the first effort) I'm kinda wondering if too much of a good thing watered down the album...?

That being said, the material is totally original, musically as well as lyrically. The songs are not what I was expecting, I have to keep reminding myself that this is a prog album, not a straightforward metal (more simply structured) album. Henning captures various moods along with the weaving subject material, so it's all totally appropriate. When the album was done, I was totally onboard and applauded the effort.

For those that were expecting more of the first Frameshift, this one packs a lot more punch. For those that were expecting the angst and vigor of Skid Row's 2nd, this one packs just a little less punch, but I think Baz definitely props up the album more than LaBrie could have (blasphemy, I know). The supposed story is that James was approached to help with the album but couldn't due to scheduling conflicts. Due to the subject material, he recommended his friend (and fellow Canuck), Sebastian Bach, to Henning...and the rest is history.

I see this as a big improvement over the first. The subject material and album on the first are totally original as well, just too damn mellow sometimes, so it doesn't find it's way into my player as often. This album is certainly heavier, and I bet it's gonna get under my skin with repeated plays. If you're a prog fan...just get it!

Dare I say it, if Henning keeps going, we may be speaking of Frameshift in the same admiring tones of Ayreon in the coming years.

Rock on!
I read on Henning's site that he doesn't plan on continuing the Frameshift project anymore due to so much "bad memories" involved with making it.

I agree with your assessment of this album, it's very heavy, Sabastian sings great, but musically it sounds overtly complex - that's Henning's style. I actually like those techno effects but only when used sparingly.
well that was long winded....bottom line is ....if your a prog/concept fan you'll like this..Honestly Sebastian Bach's best vocal performance imo. Production seem a little thin at times. 4****
glasscastle said:
well that was long winded....bottom line is ....if your a prog/concept fan you'll like this..Honestly Sebastian Bach's best vocal performance imo. Production seem a little thin at times. 4****

Thanks for the copy editing, glass!

Please...feel free to add your $0.02 in...

Thanks for the well-thought-out review...

Oh, by the way...if I'm not being too long-winded, I'd like to add that you can kiss my ass...

Rock on!
ashaman7122 said:
Thanks for the copy editing, glass!

Please...feel free to add your $0.02 in...

Thanks for the well-thought-out review...

Oh, by the way...if I'm not being too long-winded, I'd like to add that you can kiss my ass...

Rock on!
relax dude, I like it.....
glasscastle said:
well that was long winded....bottom line is ....if your a prog/concept fan you'll like this..Honestly Sebastian Bach's best vocal performance imo. Production seem a little thin at times. 4****

I'm a little scared to buy this, and I love Bach! I wouldn't give a Frameshift CD the time of day if it weren't for Bas! Every review I've read so far says the music is too slick and not ballzy enough. Does it not hit hard at all?
edgeofthorns said:
I'm a little scared to buy this, and I love Bach! I wouldn't give a Frameshift CD the time of day if it weren't for Bas! Every review I've read so far says the music is too slick and not ballzy enough. Does it not hit hard at all?

Honestly? No. It really lacks the punch that the album could have had. Like I said before, it's a prog album (duh). The material itself has balls, the arrangements are just fine, but the mix is watered down. They could have given it so much more punch, bombast, and aggressiveness (considering the disturbing subject matter).

Great album...but I won't blow smoke up your skirt about it...

Rock on!
I've heard some of it, and it sounds like...well, my initial reaction to hearing who the vocalist would be. Sebastian Bach...on a prog album? With heavy electronic elements? Doesn't stand a chance of working!
Don't take my word though, it's not that bad and I personally don't like his voice.
the more i listen to it, the more i like the first Frameshift better.

i really like Bach's voice, but i think lyrically and production wise, this could have been a lot better.
I for one love this album. Yes, I agree that the production is a tad bit slick for the content. Having said that, Bach kills. It to bad that there appears to be trouble beetween him and Pauly. I would have loved to see this happen again on Frameshift 3 .
Just get it!
Rakosh said:
I guess this is what he meant by "bad memories"...


Yeah, I wondered about the "bad memories" this crap comes to light. know that it ain't over yet...there will be more public slagging to come, I'm sure.

At this stage, what's the point of promoting the album now? It's all tied up in controversy, making all participants look like morons.

If Baz thinks I'm really going to do a cut-and-paste job on my CD booklet just so "the truth can come out," he's nuts. Besides, after he sues and ProgRock Records has to reissue the CD with the corrected info...I'll have a collector's item (with a value about $0.05 more than the reissue, I'm sure). So there!.....MUWAHAHAHAHA!

Fuckin' A! Some good mojo on an otherwise good tarnished...

Rock on!
"In other news, the title of the project has been changed to Blameshift, to more accurately reflect its status."

(I thought that response to Baz's accusations was pretty lame, too. "Maybe we could have handled it better." Gee, ya think?)
ashaman7122 said:
Just got this in yesterday, and I'm totally impressed.
(snipped to save bandwidth) I completely agree with your review. A little more Bach aggression, and a little less of the silly effects, would have allowed this disc to go to the next level. That being said, I'll be buying it. I forgot just how much I dig Bach's voice.

dusro2 said:
still disapointed that JLB is not on it...its going to be an adjustment...
As I've said, many times, different strokes for different folks. To my ear, Sebastian Bach is to James LaBrie, as Angelina Jolie is to Bea Arthur. :loco:

General Zod said:
To my ear, Sebastian Bach is to James LaBrie, as Angelina Jolie is to Bea Arthur. :loco:


What an awesome analogy...just had to pay it homage!:headbang:

Rock on!