Framus Cobra+5150 Blended for a Clipage


Held in Hollows
Mar 19, 2006
Melbourne, Australia
Ok so this should be better than the other n00b mix I posted.

I just did a KsE song as they used a Framus (dragon wasn' it??)and a 5150 on one of the albums. ( I think?)

4 tracks so I could've played a bit tighter instead of the slop.

The bass might fart out I don't have speakers to test it out. Just cans. so 60-300Hz might be a little funny. Didn't do any processing on the guitars.

But here it is!

framus+5150 test

Hopefully the drums are better. :lol:
Did you mic this with one sm57? What kinda settings did you have on the master buss?

Awesome tone btw :)
Do you do reamping???

once I get a new interface I can do it no worries.:cool:

The lexicon at the moment is a nightmare. Had to reset it about 7 times during the recording of that clip. :yell:

Miced liked this. No magic tricks. Just slap the 57 in front and away ya go!

Great as always man :yell: for cool tone. In a mix the low-end would need to be tamed slightly, but then you already know that....just trying to find something constructive to say!