Framus Dragon Speaker Shootout


Stymphalian Productions
May 20, 2006
Had a bit of free time today so I decided to do what I should have done a long time ago, a speaker shootout on my Framus Dragon 4x12.

I didn't get to reamp the takes or anything so they are seperate takes but ive tried to keep everything else as fair as possible. To be fair this is mearly for personal curiosity but I thought it would be cool to get a few more opinions. This is how I would usually mic the thing up generally anyway :loco:

Chain was:

Dragon - Mesa Dual Recto (3CH + Orange Channel) - Boss SD-1 - Ltd EX-351 (81/85) - Focusrite Saffire Pro - SM57

Mic was just slightly off the center cone about 1" back from the grill (as per).

I recorded another take which was the last speaker I tested (TL) but cranked the amp more just too check out any tonal variations. So you have the 4 speakers and that one.

All tracks are totally raw. I have my own personal choice from this but I want to hear you guys first. Dragon Speaker Shootout.rar

To put them into context together (for the crack) with some EQ. I put some drums and bass over it, Ala Rammstein!

Finally get to test my new Sansamp + Superior mix ive been working on for a while. Ramm.mp3
After my long hard listen and can safely say Bottom left is the worst for me! Didnt like top right either. Top left seems to have some fizzy element there, and overall i find that Bottom Right has a nice tightness to it, with no nastys involved, so that would be my speaker of choice!
Hey James, sounds good man, though a bit fizzy, might wanna back off the presence. But while I don't wanna pass judgement on individual speakers because of inconsistincies in mic placement (nothing against you, it's just an inevitability), I feel very vindicated to have my own observations directly mirrored - holy motherfucking fuck does the bottom row sound SOOOO much fuller and better than the top! I did a shootout too a little while ago, though no one could download it cuz I uploaded it to gaysnips, and it's now been lost to the annals of time, but these were my exact findings - stick with the bottom row for sure dude, and that goes for anyone else who has a slant cab! (Ermin, I hope you're listening ;))
Hey James, sounds good man, though a bit fizzy, might wanna back off the presence. But while I don't wanna pass judgement on individual speakers because of inconsistincies in mic placement (nothing against you, it's just an inevitability), I feel very vindicated to have my own observations directly mirrored - holy motherfucking fuck does the bottom row sound SOOOO much fuller and better than the top! I did a shootout too a little while ago, though no one could download it cuz I uploaded it to gaysnips, and it's now been lost to the annals of time, but these were my exact findings - stick with the bottom row for sure dude, and that goes for anyone else who has a slant cab! (Ermin, I hope you're listening ;))

Hey thanks for listening!

I had the pres on about 12:30, Dead Heart settings nearly, I guess its the mic placement, I did have it quite close to the center so I don't mind too much. Its weird! Bottom Left I hate, same as Kev but bottom right sounds good but I thought it sounded quite thin compared to the top row? But it sure sounds more focused.

Hmm its always good to have a faff around with your cab though, its helped me eliminate a few speakers for future recordings at least. :headbang:
I had the pres on about 12:30, Dead Heart settings nearly, I guess its the mic placement, I did have it quite close to the center so I don't mind too much.

Not necessarily man, in my test I had the presence at 8:30 on the red channel! (and this was on a 2 ch., meaning the orange in modern mode on your 3 ch. should work pretty similarly) - worth experimenting with, at any rate!
Any tips on "fattening" up the recto? I find if the bass is increased it dosent really beef up the tone too much, maybe its something else in the mic positioning?
Honestly man, dropping the presence would be my first suggestion - it's one of those things where to "fatten," you could add the fatness frequencies, but you could also take away the thinness frequencies, so it would become fatter - it's all relative, after all! What were your settings, btw?
Honestly man, dropping the presence would be my first suggestion - it's one of those things where to "fatten," you could add the fatness frequencies, but you could also take away the thinness frequencies, so it would become fatter - it's all relative, after all! What were your settings, btw?

Orange, Modern:

Pres 12:30
Treble 11:30
Bass 11:30
Mid 11:00

SD-1: Tone 11'oclock, Drive 9'oclock, Level 12'oclock

Yeah I agree, I usually have a habit of making thing more "in your face" and bright so it masks the bottom end because all your getting is top.

Ive also updated the band mix link.
what also works to beef the rectifier is to turn up the treble. the treble knob also affects how much of the tone stack is in your signal, so play around increasing treble and bass. and presence as metaltastic said
Hey James, Ala Ramm (meaning A la Rammstein, perhaps? ;)) sounds pretty damn good! Was that the Orange channel/Modern mode still? The snare rules, is that a stock S2 snare? I literally can't hear the kick AT ALL, though...