Freak Kitchen = Glam Rock?

Michael TEOF

Master Whorebot
Mar 4, 2002
Schaumburg, IL
I read someone characterize Freak Kitchen as a hair band of sorts, and Glenn replying puzzled.

And if you listen to the new Freak Kitchen album, Organic, you wouldn't think the band was glam rock at all.


After viewing this video, Glenn... can you deny Freak Kitchen as the glammiest band at the festival? :Spin: Notice the...

1.) Torn faded jeans
2.) Jean jacket with no shirt under it
3.) Chorus with the word "raw" in it, referring to sex.
4.) Other band mates screaming "yeah" during the chorus"
5.) The camera angle facing upwards making the band look like giants

Let me be the first to say, bring on the Glam :rock: Do Freak Kitchen have more songs like the one I've posted... because that's by far the best one I've heard by'm so far.

I'm not saying Organic is a bad album, as I really like it (although 2 of the 12 songs are turds in my bag of raisinets).

The Michael
That video is circa 92 around the time "Appetizer" came out. If you dig this song check out the previously stated album and "Spanking Hour." My favorite, however, is their self titled with tracks such as "Mr. Kashcei and the 13 prostitutes"

Prior to Freak Kitchen, Mattias was in a very "hair metal"-esque band called Fate. And I believe it was reissued. So check out for further info.
Soul of Ice said:
That video is circa 92 around the time "Appetizer" came out. If you dig this song check out the previously stated album and "Spanking Hour." My favorite, however, is their self titled with tracks such as "Mr. Kashcei and the 13 prostitutes"

Prior to Freak Kitchen, Mattias was in a very "hair metal"-esque band called Fate. And I believe it was reissued. So check out for further info.

Yep, there is also a vid for "Jerk", from Spanking Hour. I only have it in Real format, but I could dig it up & post it if anybody is interested.

The self titled cd was the last one I got my hands on, and very much reminded me of Zappa & Keneally. Being that I'm as big of a FZ & Mike Keneally fan as I am, I too, love the self titled one, but I wouldn't reccommend it for a first look/listen. Six Dildo Bob & The Bluegrass Samba From Hell rocks too! :rock:

...But I wouldn't label them a "glam" band by any means. They're essentially the wierdest hard rock band on the planet. They take so much from so many different genres of music that you can't pigeonhole them. That's what makes them my favorite band on this year's bill.

Stay metal. Never rust.
Taliwakker said:
Yeah...haven't seen Raw or em

If the mpegs are of decent quality, I second the posting of Jerk. A youtube link to Raw was in the very first post on this thread......
Did I mention I HATE the REal format???@!!!!:Puke:

Come on, what is wrong with:


I mean the guy is no Sir Russel when it comes to lyrics but he has his own strengths right?
When I first heard the ending to the song I thought to myself "what the hell?" then just laughed at the concept behind the idea.

But you gotta give the guy credit for coming up with humorous yet biting social satire.
metalsped said:
Ok, Ill have to figure out how/where to put em on the net. Shall be fun, considering Im on dialup.

I'd be happy to give you a place to upload it, pm me if you want, I'll post a link to it here.....
