fred looks like i put him on the rack in this picture


Aug 2, 2002
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haha. he's actually not fat at all, just when he flattens out the fact that rabbits have no asses is accentuated and their bit stomachs get smushed to the side. his vet swears he's average weight!
You just like fed me knowlage about bunnys. Thank you.

I used to have a rabbit, we caught it outside our house in the little town of Hicksville, Ohio. It was murdered though. Bastards.
That reminds me, what happened to that Toby rabbit that we were all supposted to save?
hm no the vet thinks he went blind when he was only a month or so old from some hereditary disease. his retinas are just scars now =[

lizard: SORT OF. he ate an apple but still snubbed his parsley.