Fredde, Johan's, Ted...


Feb 10, 2003
If you guys get a chance to check this board while you are away...I wanted to know if you brought girlie tee shirts with you. If you did, please save one for Anne. I will not see you guys until the end of the tour and I don't want them to sell out before I get to buy one. Please please save me one!?!?

Diane told me you asked about me...sorry I couldn't come to the fest-I had to work!
Eh eh eh!I dont think they will have contacts with modern things like computers or internet after nights lived under the sign of AA killer drinks :D !Drink hard, men!!!
Nah, that's ok, You don't have to email Olli. Nergal from Behemoth has been emailing me everyday so far from the road so I asked him yesterday to ask Fredde for me. They'll get the message. Thanks Anyway!

(so now you know they can get on the internet also)