Fredrik Andersson - error


Language enthusiast
May 7, 2002
Utrecht, Netherlands
I noticed a little error, both A Canorous Quintet and Marduk have (had) a drummer called Fredrik Andersson.

On the ACQ entry I see that behind their Fredrik it says he also plays in Allegiance (Swe), this is not true. It is Marduk's Fredrik Andersson who plays (played?) in Allegiance.

So also it is not Allegiance's (& Marduk's) Fredrik Andersson who now plays in Amon Amarth, but ACQ's.

Then I am also pretty sure that B War (Marduk bassist) is the same guy as Allegiance's Bogge.
I fixed that error with drummers, but I'm not sure if Bogge is B War. I found site ( ) that says that Bogge has played in Marduk, but he is not B War. On the other hand I found other site ( ) that says that Bogge played bass in Dark Endless, but official Marduk homepage says that Rickard Kalm played bass in Dark Endless. If someone knows what is truth in this matter, I would appreciate your help.