Fredrik Thordendal is an alien


love is the answer
Nov 12, 2002
Belgrade, Serbia
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While listening to "Sol Niger Within" today,it occured to me that no mortal earthling can write music so awesome, complex and bizzare.

this is truly one of the greatest pieces of metal art ever recorded.
created by an unholy union


agreed, hard to touch that one

way better than that meshuggah whatnots.
ocean machine is up there dude, but these are two completely different beasts.

OM is about emotion, atmosphere.

Sol Niger is about musical complexity and mindfucking.

an yeah Chrom...he is totally a bizzare, alien death metal Holdsworth.
ummm....have you heard Meshuggah???

well like that only ten times more involved and complex, with very bizzare "outside the box" type jazz/fusion style playing.

It' really hard to explain, it's a sonic mindfuck.
Ech. Don't like Meshuggah, but my internal laws require me to tet new bands anyway. Here we go.
if you don't see the complexity in crazy polyrhthmic riffing and atonal guitar solos, the you really should be dabbling with this kind of music.

Meshuggah/Fredrik are the only dudes in metal IMO that play technical metal with a groove.
I know. I'm rediculously picky, that's all. If NoLordy bashes your metal, don't take him seriously. Unless it's Zao, then he is truly attack the music AND you. :)