FREE 21 song digital sampler

Cool idea! Much appreciated!!! Will dl later today for sure ...

I love the fact that there are not one but two songs by the real/original Overlorde (sr). That's gotta be a slight provocation towards the other Overlorde, huh? :) Either way, nice touch.

No it's not at all Claus, stop trying to cause trouble. HA I did not notice it until you just pointed it out but apparently the designer fucked up. But that what not at all the reasoning, just an oversight and it is being correct now.
It is two different bands as well Overlord is a cult band from Canada back in the 80s that in some circles is said to have released one of the rarest vinyl EPs out there. Still you won't like it anyway.
No it's not at all Claus, stop trying to cause trouble. HA I did not notice it until you just pointed it out but apparently the designer fucked up. And it is two different bands as well Overlord is a cult band from Canada back in the 80s that in some circles is said to have released one of the rarest vinyl EPs out there. Still you won't like it anyway.

Hahaha well, in all fairness I think the whole debacle that the "other" Overlorde has started is ridiculous and I can't help but think that he needs to grow up. So, when I saw you had chosen two songs by Overlorde Sr as the only band w two songs, I of course thought it was you poking the bear ;)

As for what I will like - how do you know that?
Hahaha well, in all fairness I think the whole debacle that the "other" Overlorde has started is ridiculous and I can't help but think that he needs to grow up. So, when I saw you had chosen two songs by Overlorde Sr as the only band w two songs, I of course thought it was you poking the bear ;)

Well it does sound like something I would do but no that wasn't it all.
Yes I agree the issue was extremely ridiculous and apparently you and I weren't the only people that thought that according to forums and message boards all over the internet, but it doesn't matter now.
The "real/original" Overlorde (who added the SR before ever hearing a peep from the other band) Has now once again changed their moniker by dropping the "E" and just being Overlord SR. I don't think they should have conceded like that certainly when they were even in a position to take the name altogether from the other band, but they did not want to fight about it anymore, they took the highroad not once but twice on this. As for the sort of active band in Canada well they are not concerned or bitching because, well Canadians I guess aren't the douchbags some from Jersey can be.
I'm no longer concerned with it. The Overlord SR band is working on a new album and the material that I have only heard live and is great, sorta Fifth Angel. I have no plans to work with them for other reasons, still M.E. has no reason anymore to feel threatened.

As for what I will like - how do you know that?
because you don't like anything, certainly not good stuff. so it is easy to guess. HAHA