
New Metal Member
Jul 26, 2006

Online retailer is looking for independent artists who would like to sell their music but don't want to fork out the hundreds or thousands of dollars to duplicate professional-looking product.

We'll manufacture your CDs and create a web page with graphics and sound samples. Your fans can purchase the CD online through your website or ours. When one of your fans places an order, we'll collect the payments, send them your CD, and send you your share of the money. You set the price. We keep only $8 and send you the rest. This is a very simple and non-binding service much like a manufacturing deal but without any commitment on your part.

MAKE EVEN MORE MONEY: If you prefer the traditional method of spending your own money to duplicate your CDs we will warehouse and sell them and keep $4 each and send you the difference.

This service is launching very soon by a very reputable parent company.

No setup fee for the first 500 artists before launch: After launch there will be a one-time $35 setup fee to prep all your graphics, digitize your song samples, create your web page, and archive your discs.

For more information send an email to and we will send you all the terms and instructions.

This is a great offer! Get on board early!