FREE metal downloads from Amazon !!!

They very well could be, but I haven't been to a festival or a place with these vendors this year. I also haven't seen a music store with a pile to give away or some dude passing them out on a street corner.

The only reason I mention it is because if that's what they are, then there's probably not any kind of deadline or anything. I wouldn't worry about telling people to "take advantage while they can". :)
How could anyone even listen to November's Doom without thinking about Jasonic? :lol:

You don't know how many times I get messages from people asking, "Hey, when are you guys playing next"?

So to confirm, yes, I am a big fan of Novembers Doom, and yes, they are still a bunch of tools!!! :heh:
dont forget

FREE anything = Jasonic

Could you imagine if he ever came to ProgPower and saw that big box of promos that one of the vendors makes available for free at the vendor's room?

The only thing I can think of is (and also based on my comment above)...


Ha, yeah, I have been to Milwaukee Metalfest a few times, so I have more than my share of crappy promo CDs. To be honest, I don't really care for them, as they just take up space. In this day and age, if there is a band I want to check out, I will just go to their My Space.