free multisampler for MIDI?

hey guys,

Im looking for a FREE plugin that is similar to DrumReaplacer, but for MIDI input. I want to use it for drums in Reaper, atm im using ReaSampleOMatic, but it can only provide one sample per instance.

i hope you guys can help.

Thanks ahjteam. I tried out the SoftDrum LTD which you linked me, and its a very good plugin. however im looking for something similar, yet without the velocity switch points (so it randomly triggers one of four hard hits at the same velocity). any ideas?
Check out this page:
Especially this bit:

Random values. The player will generate a new random number on every note-on event, in the range 0~1.

The region will play if the random number is equal to or higher than lorand, and lower than hirand.

lorand=0.2 hirand=0.4
lorand=0.4 hirand=1
floating point
lorand = 0
hirand = 1
0 to 1

SFZ is more than you need, but it will do what you want if you spend few minutes to learn how to program it.
im having a lot of trouble trying to get it to work (im pretty inexperienced with programming). This is the file i have, im not getting any playback.

pitch_keytrack=0 lochan=1 hichan=16 key=c4

<region> lorand=0 hirand=0.2 sample=Andy Sneap Snare00.wav
<region> lorand=0.2 hirand=0.3 sample=Andy Sneap Snare01.wav
<region> lorand=0.3 hirand=0.4 sample=Andy Sneap Snare02.wav
<region> lorand=0.4 hirand=0.5 sample=Andy Sneap Snare03.wav
<region> lorand=0.5 hirand=0.6 sample=Andy Sneap Snare04.wav
<region> lorand=0.6 hirand=0.7 sample=Andy Sneap Snare05.wav
<region> lorand=0.7 hirand=0.8 sample=Andy Sneap Snare06.wav
<region> lorand=0.8 hirand=1 sample=Andy Sneap Snare07.wav
I copypasted your program to a new file and replaced file names with my samples and it worked fine.

Are you sure you are pressing C4, not some other C ???

And are you sure you reloaded the .sfz file in SFZ after changing and saving it in text editor ? :)
yep, its definately c4. and still no playback? i may have made an error defining the samples then? the file names i have are correct, and they are in the same folder as the .sfz file...

Hmm maybe the wav format is incompatible...

You definitely did a good job programming it though.
pitch_keytrack=0 lochan=1 hichan=16 key=c4
can be safely changed to
Hmm let me see what is the format of my wavs... few minutes and i'll be back.

Windows PCM 24-bit Packed Int (type 1 (24-bit))

IDK if it plays 32 bit float files...
NP :)

The sample player also has a very high quality engine.
Look here.
That page compares many old generation plugins, SFZ is old, but it is as good and even better than many CURRENT gen competitors !