Free online games

Dead Winter

Apr 30, 2002
Holy hell, I just found this awesome looking MMO called Requiem: Bloodymare or something like that. The shit looks like fucking Conan but much much more gory and violent. Plus it's 100% free. I'm downloading now...2gb. Any word on this game or others? Any other free rpg games, online or single player that you know about?


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I've seen the character's like WoW meets Conan meets Diablo. The "Dominator" class is basically a Necromancer, then you have the Assassin, the Shaman, the Berserker, the Fighter, and so on and so forth. They all have two different "jobs" which you can choose how you want to fight. There are four races that are all humanoid looking, with the standard "Normal human-esque dude", "Big Ugly Strong Oaf", "Mean Motherfucking Badass", and "Condescending Prick Magician". It seems pretty straight forward, but I've seen raids and stuff on Youtube...I'm really really surprised this isn't in a retail version. Sure, if you pay the monthly fee you get like 50% more XP, but who gives a fuck as long as you can slay monsters by sawing them in half? It's like Metin without the suck and awesome graphics.

Did you see the blood splatter on that chick? Awesome.
define what WoW had that other mmo's didn't before?
it's somewhat annoying when everyone says "wow clone" when most of its stuff had been done before.

WoW had the "no-losing-all-your-EXP-due-to-having-to-rez-in-an-area-overpopulated-with-fucking-zombies" benefit that the others didn't. It was a little dumbed down in respect to other MMOs, but you know what? It's fucking fantastic because of it. If I want complex strategy with a strong story, I'll play Baldur's Gate. With WoW, you didn't have to be a complete and total dork and dedicate all your time to it to have fun. Plus, you could still level relatively fast. MMOs should allow for relatively quick leveling...they're not deep, they're not really RPGs, they're just fun. Plus, there's so much more variety in WoW than other MMOs of the same nature.
Fuck this download. My internet disconnected and I lost about three fucking hours of download because when I restarted the download in Firefox, for some reason it started all over again. FUCK IT.
I still play EQ1 as I have yet to find a game that is more challenging at the group level (I left the raiding game years ago, and can't comment on the raids in WoW in any case). Despite its aging graphics engine and dwindling population, it remains the "best" MMO by my standards.
Since Wrath is about to come out I'm just gonna hold off on it till then. I'm addicted to The Kingdom of Loathing now. I haven't laughed this hard in a long time.
WoW had the "no-losing-all-your-EXP-due-to-having-to-rez-in-an-area-overpopulated-with-fucking-zombies" benefit that the others didn't. It was a little dumbed down in respect to other MMOs, but you know what? It's fucking fantastic because of it. If I want complex strategy with a strong story, I'll play Baldur's Gate. With WoW, you didn't have to be a complete and total dork and dedicate all your time to it to have fun. Plus, you could still level relatively fast. MMOs should allow for relatively quick leveling...they're not deep, they're not really RPGs, they're just fun. Plus, there's so much more variety in WoW than other MMOs of the same nature.

not many games had the losing xp thing either though, but I would hardly call that a groundbreaking feature that made the game unique above all the other ones.
Well, NOW it's boring because I've friggin' done everything and I can't stand doing the same shit over and over again. When Wrath comes out, it should be better.

In any case, I MUCH prefer RPGs like Oblivion, Morrowind, NWN, Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale, etc. I'm a huge fan of single player games. FPS, RTS, RPG, Action, etc.

I think the draw to WoW was the sheer size of it in the beginning. Exploring in an MMO was never really that interesting until WoW because they just weren't that big. But after you've seen everything, you're ready for something new.

I'm a fan of epic games, in any genre. It's gotta be big and badass.