Free Pumpkin


I wrote a book! Buy it!
Sep 9, 2002
Not here.
I, like a fool, waited till the last minute to get pumpkins. My girlfriend arrives tonight (from New York where she goes to school) to stay with me for a long weekend and she really wanted to carve pumpkins tomorrow, so I promised to get some. I went out after class tonight to the grocery store where I work and all they had left was an ugly sad misshapen one and a monstrous thing weighing more than I do and costing about 65 bucks. So I went to the nearest "pumpkin patch" hoping to have more luck there.

Everything left was quite large (@50 cents a pound there wasn't anything less than 15 bucks). I didn't really feel like spending 30 or more dollars on pumpkins, but I was torn. I knew she'd want to carve her own and that she'd be pissed if I didn't participate in the activity, so I was about to get two, then I decided on one that we could both carve.

The guy working there (who had about 6 teeth and a perpetual cigarette) asked if I wanted to earn the other. The first thought that went through my mind was, 'I hope he's not talking about sexual favors.' Thankfully, he said if I moved all the pumpkins to the center of the lot he'd give me one for free. So of course I took the opportunity; I'm a stocker at the grocery store, I'm used to the mindless moving of heavy shit. It took about 15 minutes or less to get 'em all centered and I got my two pumpkins, each weighing about 35-40lbs for 18 bucks.

That was cool.
that's pretty cool
are you and your girlfriend going to playfully fling pumpkin guts and seeds at each other while carving?
seems like it'd be an inevitable activity after a while
Dear Greg,

Ian said "girlfriend." This means he has one of those. You're a rocker and don't even have a groupie under your desk at work the day after a show.

xfer i own the trilogy of the books your avatar is from, they were definitely childhood faves, and I always thought the illustrations were too scary for the targeted age group