Free snare sample package! Gog, Wav, TCI...

Yeah man, one of the drummers that helped me do this package (and donated the lion's share of the snares) is a good friend of mine, and we tend to dick around when we're together, so probably caught the back-end of us goofing off or something. I know a few of the hits had to be binned because we were laughing.

Highly professional, I know. :lol:
These sound great, man! Thanks!

One note, it seems a lot of the samples have a good amount of silence before the hit. Could cause phase-alignment issues. 2-6ms on average.
Is that so? That's disappointing to hear. I cut them as close as possible without losing the transient. I tested them extensively and gave them out to others to test and didn't get any issues or negative feedback about that issue! :( I'll look into it...
Yeah it was a lot of work, but I've gone quite far off the back of people's free hard work before so it only seemed fair.
I hope everyone's enjoying these? I'd love to hear them in your mixes if anybody's used any yet?