Freedom Call - The Circle Of Life


Cutthroat Crusader
Sep 1, 2004
Freedom Call's new album , The Circle Of Life is totally awesome, and some of it is much more powerful than previous albums, but it still remains that "Warrior Chanting" goodness!

What does anyone else think?
At first I was shocked, it seem to be so different from previous releases, but after listening it through about 5 or 6 times, it's really started to grow. I'm getting weird looks from passers by the house as they can hear me chanting along with ever chorus!
havent heard it yet but i cant wait to hear it too! i hear the guys from freedom call are really crazy and love to party too!! :loco: :loco: :loco:
i really like this album !!!!
top 3 songs on this album

"carry on" a classic FC song but very catchy melody and probably my favourite song
next on my playlist is "Kings and Queens", nice ozzy riff and great uplifting chorus, and probably the best pre chorus on the album, but the lyrics on Kings and Queens just make me laugh, so cheesey

but "Eternal Flame" , now this song HAHAA well its cool coz, well it reminds me of the seven dwarfs walking along singing and chanting at the start, nice piano intro, they start with the chorus and nice guitar meoldy, then the lyrics are what ever ryhmes with flame, yeah the whole song is whatever ryhmes with flame, its like an english lesson on ryhming for 3 year olds, but still Freedom call are brilliant at what they do, and this album has some storming power metal

8/10 power points :headbang:
Nothing has been said about the crescendo round, The Gathering. It sounds like the music from the very first Unreal game, you know, when you land on the palent after the vortex riker crashes... ah.. maybe I'm on my own with that one!

Anyway its a nice little build-up tune. :D
Well, I must say that I found myself somewhat disappointed of new Freedom Call material. Though, haven't bought a real copy yet but I am going to anyday soon I have a chance. It is not that bad anyway! They have changed their style quite much and my favourite album is still for sure their debut one, as Stairway to Fairyland. Also the second Crystal Empire is good, with songs like "The Quest" as my favourite song more or less I think. Anyway, great band - seen live once!
Oh yeah "The Quest" is a really fun song. I also keep gettign blown away by "Pharaoh" mainly due to it's heavier than normal sound (for Freedom Call) and it's not too distant sounding from "The Circle Of Life." Having said that, the new album does grow on you. It's probabily due to Chris's infectious vocals. :p