Fresh Ears Ideas Needed


Feb 27, 2008
I have recently started work on this track,and would appreciate any constructive input from members on this forum.
I need to do some further work with the vocal delays and panning,guitars seem alittle low in areas, and work on injecting some life with some automation,but any other thoughts other may have i would love to hear them.

Thanks Guys STATIC MIX.mp3
Oh god, the sounds of a dial up modem, I'm getting PTSD :lol: And man those guitars need more gain, and everything feels incredibly muffled (also, it feels like there's some weird modulation effect on the guitars in the intro that is seriously doing my head in). Yeah, overall the guitars just really sound small, middy, undergained, not doing it for me I'm sorry to say :/ Snare also feels very small (I guess when I say small I mean occupying a very specific band, and not very full, in this case a bit boxy/"dunk"-y). Vocals are pretty good, I suppose - they sound very out of place though, almost like I'm listening to karaoke; I think that's probably just because they have so much clarity compared to everything else, so it's like they're a massive fat woman sitting on the rest of the mix. And agree on OH's needing to come up, I can barely hear them.
Precisely what I'm looking for -opinions- so thank you for taking the time to have a listen and reply.I'll have a look at the above mentioned areas within a day or so and make corrections.