Fresh meat!

tanx koser! read your post on DOD! i like it but am still in piece of mind zone! im old school maiden but the new stuff is good, just seen maiden on give me ed till dead tour, amazing show! have you ever seen the Maidens live?

shadow walker said:
i am new so use lube please! no! greetings metal heads i am one of you and come in peace, we should rock hard and pile the bodies 10' high, look forward to interacting, as you were.


10 feet high? Shame on just makes them easier to spot. I like to see how many bodies (preferably cheerleaders) I can fit in the trunk of my car with the aid of a chainsaw. :Spin:
Bruce Chickinson said:
Smylex...we've talked to you about your extensive cheerleader collection!

Yes, like cows, you can't kill enough cheerleaders to make me happy! :Smug: