fresh mix on an old work

try a low roll off on the guitars at 100hz and cutting them by about 3db at about 2k to try and let through the drums a bit more. Also, brighten the vocals a bit and maybe some subtle reverb. Sounds good though, really professional so far.
i liked the drums, but the guitars are too gainy for my taste...brutal song man:headbang:

details on the drums especially the snare would be great!

the kick, snare, and toms samples i made from drums i recorded and mixed.. the midi was sent dkfh to drumagog inside audition 3 ....

ssl ch on kick, snare and the over as inserts and a parallel insert on tom group
r comp, on drum bus getting hit pretty hard......
true verb -drum room setting tweaked just a bit with eq ,snare toms and drum group all sent to the same verb send at different levels ....
try a low roll off on the guitars at 100hz and cutting them by about 3db at about 2k to try and let through the drums a bit more. Also, brighten the vocals a bit and maybe some subtle reverb. Sounds good though, really professional so far.

thanks needed another listen dont get much time to put into these
i updated the mix, i believe this is finished as far as i can tell...

anyone got any suggestions before i remove the sessions from the computer