Friend For A Foe Teaser with Full Band Line-Up!


FFaF Guitarist/Producer
Oct 2, 2009
Washington DC
Hello folks!

Yes I'm doing a blatant copy and paste job from our Myspace page, but it's easier than retyping everything for forum's sake (forgive me). I wanted to let you guys know of our current situation as well as hear our newest teaser with the BRAND NEW MIX I've done since acquiring some KRK RP8s!

Anywho, on to the copy and paste job:

"Without procrastinating any longer, it has probably been the worst-kept secret ever because you internet folk are super savvy when it comes to the rumor mill/grapevine! You probably guessed it, our second vocalist in our current line-up is none other than Mr.Chris Barretto!

With that being said, please head over to the main page to check out a teaser of our first single "Niacin" from our upcoming EP ... "TEASER?!" you proclaim ... yes, we did promise you guys a full song with the announcement of our final vocalist, but since we were all a bit rushed in tracking this, we feel as if we'd be doing you guys a disservice by preemptively releasing an unfinished product. Needless to say, Chris and Ben are redoing the vocals to ensure a song that we're 100% happy with gets to you guys as soon as possible. Be on the lookout for the FULL VERSION of "Niacin" in the next few weeks! Again, we're sorry, but we don't wanna shortchange you guys!

You'll also notice our page looks a lot different! Thanks to our vocalist Ben (of Thinking Imagery fame), we've updated our page and will continue to do so in the coming weeks. Believe it or not, this is just a TEMPORARY page! Get ready for some amazing artwork in preparations of our EP (title TBD)!

Thank you guys for your continued support and be sure to stick around for videos, songs, and more news in the near future! Keep spreading the word and invite all your friends to have a listen!

Thank You!!!"

Head to or to check out the song!

Hope you guys like the mix!