Frozen - Enemy Soil

The Metal Chick

In the Dragon's Den
Mar 31, 2003
Chicago, IL
Frozen - Enemy Soil
Self-released - August 19, 2006
by Amanda J. Carlson

This band has just proven that you don't need a record label to put out some killer music. Enemy Soil is Frozen’s second self-released album, packed with everything from beautiful acoustic moments to crushing, progressive riffs with stellar guitar melodies and a mix of clean and growling vocals. This band has a lot to offer, and they showcase it in every song.

After their melodic acoustic intro, Frozen blasts into "Hell From Above," the first example of their skills in progressive songwriting. They're all over the map in this four minute tune, including nice keyboard and guitar solos. "Demolition Below" is one of the heaviest tracks, bordering on killer melodeath style. Many of the subsequent songs follow that same trend, but are never redundant; there’s always something new. "Eradication (In the Night)" takes the slower approach with the heaviness, but doesn't leave out the headbanging speed entirely. They take an acoustic break with "In the Days That Come," which is very reminiscent of Evergrey.

Frozen is a band to keep an eye on, as there is tremendous growth potential here. I have no doubt this Massachusetts six-piece will become a fairly strong contender in the metal community, with or without a label to back them up. Frozen has shown that all you need is the dedication, skills, some dough and hard work to release something to be proud of.


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Frozen Website
LivingCadaver said:
heh, there's like 6 bands named Frozen all across the world, one being from near where I live. This one seams to be from the US though...

Yyyuuuupppp... Massachusetts...