FS(again): Krank Rev Jr.

colonel kurtz

Sep 7, 2006
as seen in the pic, i just picked up a 6505+ yesterday, and need to clear out the krank to make up for the $$ i spent on it...$300 + shipping within the US or canada. i'm the original owner of the amp, which is a little over 2 years old, and is in almost perfect condition.

also, sorry to make a 2nd thread for this thing, but the previous one i put up had an EQ listed in the title, which is not for sale...didn't wanna confuse anyone by bumping the old one

does this have a UK voltage selection at the back?

any idea how much UK shipping would cost?

don't know the shipping to UK, but i'm sure it would be pretty damned expensive

and it is the 20W version. shipping is from zip 47374...i'll try to get a weight tomorrow to make it easier to figure shipping costs.

i'm still bummed to have to get rid of this, but the wife's pretty pissed i dropped the coin on the peavey, so i have to clear this out to save my own ass lol
I estimated the head at 30lbs (think thats kinda high) but 4day shipping looks to run around $40. I can give you a 100% answer tonight after I get home and talk to the wife. But I am very very interested.

Ok maybe I wasn't so far off on the weight ..lol According to Amazon its 23.6 lbs
:( i was interested first! i can't imagine shipping being much more than $100!
fair enough, i checked out the prices myself, and it's just as bad..

another time maybe! :(

yea...i looked into shipping something smaller to europe a while back, and the price was astronomical. really only worth doing for something like a mesa, where you're going to be saving a TON on the price.
Cool, sorry that it costs so much to ship overseas, but I can promise its going to a good home! Ill even offer to re-amp your stuff through it for free if ya want. I always feel bad when someone cant get the gear they want for some silly reason.

Ill shoot you the total amount friday morning as soon as my check from one of my clients clears. Wife will pitch a fit if I do it before then ...lol
sounds good, man. i work all day tomorrow but will make sure to grab a box big enough to fit it in while i'm there, along with packing material...i get off around 1PM saturday, so there should be plenty of time for me to box it up and get it sent out after i get off!