Joshua Wickman

Yes Sir!
Feb 11, 2009
I have not used these in a year or so (using roland triggers now) and I do not recall if any of these are not working. I'm including 2 transducer replacements to fix any triggers if they need it.

100.00 plus shipping

I have another set of these but no extra replacement transducers this time and not sure how many if any are not working. Also there was a screw on one of these that holds the xlr part in that came loose. It was a bitch to get to the screw so I never fixed. Trigger still worked fine and just needed that screw snugged up.

I will sell these for 100.00 as well.
No idea as i have never shipped anything there. My zip is 48383 if you want to check into shipping from States to UK and see if its worth it for you.