FS/FT: Peavey 810TVX Bass Cab - SoCal Sneapsters Special $150


Aug 2, 2006
Dayton, OH
I've got a Peavey 810TVX bass cabinet that I haven't played in well over a year that I would like to depart with. This thing is heavy, so naturally I'm not interested in shipping (also, I'm in Ohio and my wife is still in Cali, so I can't trouble her with shipping). I'm moving my wife out here in Feb, so if you know anyone who may be interested, let me know.

I'm flexible with trades as well, since I know this is a tough time economically for many people. I'm looking at 49+ key MIDI keyboard, but really offer what you've got and I'll consider it. The price is low because I'd rather not bring it out here, and I don't use it, so why not give you guys a deal?

I sold the amp head about a year ago, so if you want to hear it, you'll have to bring your own and speaker cable. There is some normal wear-and-tear on the Tolex on the bottom rear near the casters, as you would expect from a mobile cab, but it has never been gigged outdoors.

I'm in the Dayton Ohio area and I've got a friend looking for a cheap bass cab, I'll let him know what you've got and get back to you.
Great! I was hoping to sell it in Cali (before I move it out here), but if there's interest here, I will definitely bring it out. It won't be brought here until the end of Feb, though. That is when my wife and the rest of our "stuff" from Cali comes out to Dayton.
Your moving from California to Dayton, OH??????

I don't know much about Ohio, but I know Dayton doesn't seem to be too exciting. I was there this past year for the HAMVENTION ham radio festival and sold a bunch of shit to ham radio nerds. Some of the worst days of my life.

I've never been to a comiccon, but damn this may be even nerdier.

I did manage to snag a sweet book from our neighboring vendor:
ROFL Sloan, those pictures are epic!!

It's a great sounding bass cab, it was the one used on "Dark Fiber" and the subsequent mini-tour we did. Doc always takes good care of his gear, I'm sure it's still minty.
^ ha!
it's totally rad for anyone that wants to learn about the history of witchcraft. it's all factual information and is basically about how the idea of witchcraft is a total sham created by the church. there is no story, just a big stack of people being accused of evil shit and getting tortured/killed by asshole governments and churches.
Hamvention, jesus christ :lol::rock: I guess I shouldn't be surprised such a thing exists!

Oh yeah, and good luck on the sale homie, I have nothing but respect for Peavey :kickass: