FS: Ibanez RG7620VK

Just out of pure curiosity, how many times have you tried to get into 7's? Or are you still preparing yourself for the Stinnett 7?
Ah shit, lets see... I played 7's exclusively in freshmen and sophomore year of HS, so early 2005 to mid 2006. I got rid of my last one for that bit in the summer of 2006. Summer of '07 I bought an RG1527 off of Buz from Unearth, sold it within like 2 months. Bought a Carvin 747 in January of '08 but returned it because the case it was shipped in somehow caused moisture to form during shipping and rust some parts out. Got an RG1077xl in January '09 because I had always wanted one and figured if I'd ever like a 7 again, it'd be a baritone.

And then this one, got it a few weeks ago and just absolutely cannot vibe with 7's - this will be the last one, I'm sure. 7's are sluggish and dull to me, and I only write breakdowns on them. 6 strings in B? I write songs. 7 strings? I end up just chugging away on the low string. Plus, the tone is never as good as a 6 string, which really sucks.
Ah shit, lets see... I played 7's exclusively in freshmen and sophomore year of HS, so early 2005 to mid 2006. I got rid of my last one for that bit in the summer of 2006. Summer of '07 I bought an RG1527 off of Buz from Unearth, sold it within like 2 months. Bought a Carvin 747 in January of '08 but returned it because the case it was shipped in somehow caused moisture to form during shipping and rust some parts out. Got an RG1077xl in January '09 because I had always wanted one and figured if I'd ever like a 7 again, it'd be a baritone.

And then this one, got it a few weeks ago and just absolutely cannot vibe with 7's - this will be the last one, I'm sure. 7's are sluggish and dull to me, and I only write breakdowns on them. 6 strings in B? I write songs. 7 strings? I end up just chugging away on the low string. Plus, the tone is never as good as a 6 string, which really sucks.

That's probably about as many as I've been thru. Though I've had them off and on. Now I've two 8's and the I love. Oh, and sorry to slightly derail the sale into a Q and A :lol: Does look like a beauty.
7's are sluggish and dull to me, and I only write breakdowns on them. 6 strings in B? I write songs. 7 strings? I end up just chugging away on the low string. Plus, the tone is never as good as a 6 string, which really sucks.

I feel the exact same... haven't tried to get back into them nearly as much as you, though... bought one about 8 years ago, sold it a year later. Bought two last year for a band I was in... band went no where, so I sold them... now I'm playing bass in that band...