FS Preamps


Aug 29, 2007
Prices are listed in USD.

Art Pro MPA tube Pre. This is one of the originals (face is black) and arguably one of the better ones. The original price tag is still on it showing that it sold for $600. Asking 150 + shipping (current line of these models sell for 300). Sounds great. Only thing wrong is that the VU Meters don't light up. Probably wouldn't hurt to re-tube it as well.

Studio Projects VTB-1 (x2) Less than a year old and in perfect condition! They sell new for 139 I'm asking 100 each + shipping. I found that these amps work great for metal vox and bass and just about anything else you throw at them, but that is what I mainly used them for.

M-Audio DMP-3. Really clean pre-amps, great on acoustic guitar and overheads and they supposedly have the Burr-Brown Op amp, but I've never checked to see. Less than a year old (I purchased them when I got the VTB-1's) It sells for 160, I'm asking 115 + shipping.
Edit: This is the silver M-audio, not the Black face one - if that matters to anyone!

In case your curious I'm selling because awhile back I got sucked into that Pesonus Firestudio tube deal where you can send in your firepods for buying one of these things. Turns out I had some issues, with 2 of the Firestudio tubes I bought (which MF took care of) and I decided to go with RME Fireface and Seventh Circle Audio Pre's.

I am in NM USA.
PM me if interested!