FT/- RME HDSP 9652


Stunt Guitarist
Jun 26, 2008
Currently North alabame HELL
Sup? :)

I really wasn't sure about posting this here as I mostly read the forum and find my answers using the search button, so I don't post much, but I have references on the jcfonline forum being a Jackson collector for many years, and have some on SS.org if anyone would like them.

Anyway,,I have a spare RME HDSP 9652 that I was gonna keep hanging on to in case the one in my D8B/ DAW setup ever went bonkers, but it has been rock solid for like 5'ish years(probably die now I'm putting this up:Smug:) so I though I'd see if anyone might be interested in it. What I would like to have for another setup is something along the lines of a Focusrite Saffire pro 40, or an Octopre II. I'd consider a pro 26 I/O also if it is still solid and not showing any problems of the dead units that pop up.

I know not everyone can utilize 24 adat I/O but figured if anyone it would be someone here.

I would really like a pro 40, but feel free to hit me up with others as well.

Sup? :)

I ended up scoring a Digi002 mixer for next to nothing for my other rig,,,so I'd be pretty open to other trade items on this as well now ,,worst I can say is, I'm not interested. someone throw something at me,,don't even have to be music gear.